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Air France have a wide number of flights connecting major cities across Europe. They also operate long haul flights to all four corners of the planet. For long haul flights, if you want to save £45 on all flights over £225 (excluding taxes), use discount code MAY09508 when paying online. This discount code is only valid until 31st May, it will save you £45, flights must depart from UK to a long-haul destination, you must fly between 11th May and 30th November this year. Air France provide competitively priced tickets for long haul flights, including (from the UK): Bangalore - £320 Tokyo - £531 Shangai - £371 Seychelles - £490 Saint Marteen - £550 Havana - £346 Rio de Janeiro - £481 Caracas - £426 New-York - £281 Montreal - £323 Book now via the Air-France website.