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British tourists are still visiting the USA

Thursday 30 Apr 2009 8:51am

According to the Visit USA Association, the effects of the recession have not put British people off from holidaying in America. Members of Visit USA have found that interest in travel to the country from the UK has remained strong. Many have experienced enquiries from travellers who are just about to travel. Enquiries remain high compared to booking numbers, suggesting that many are shopping around for the best deals. There have been a number of advertising campaigns launched by American destinations, including Florida, New York, Las Vegas and California, to entice UK tourists. Chairman of the Visit USA Association, Peter Moss, said: 'Clearly the USA continues to be high on the list of consumers' long-haul holiday options - despite the current economic backdrop. 'The USA has a holiday to suit every taste and budget - which is why UK travellers continue to return there in their millions every year - including 2009. ' In other news, Visit USA has also recently highlighted the eco-travel options available toi tourists in California, with a number of new initiatives being launched at California's airports, attractions and cities.

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