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Birmingham International airport has been awarded planning permission for its proposed runway extension. The proposed extension is 400 metres and will allow the airport to offer direct flights to the west coast of America, as well as to Asia and India, potentially offering more financial support for the local economy. The planning decision was taken by Solihull council and is expected to provide an 'immediate boost' to the local region because local construction businesses will be involved in the restructuring work needed to lengthen the runway. President of the Black Country Chambers of Commerce, Peter Mathews, said: 'At the present time, having a major infrastructure project like this confirmed, along with the redevelopment of New Street Station and the other investment into the region's railways, will be an immediate boost to the regional confidence and the economy, as it will employ hundreds of people during the design and construction. ' Mr Matthews went on to say that when the project is completed, the West Midlands region should be recovering from the recession. This will stand businesses in good stead to broaden their links with the rest of the world.