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London Luton Airport in UK

Despite being 32 miles from central London, Luton airport is still classed as one of the five London airports. Easyjet is based at Luton airport and the airport's growth since the late 1990s has been mainly due to Easyjet's popularity and growth. The big terminal building has over 60 checkouts which are often busy with queues stretching out towards the entrance. Going through airport security is often a slow process to with (on the majority of occassions), not enough security staff or machines there to handle the volume of passengers.

Where is it, and how to get there

Important Note: In March 2006, work started on widening the M1 motorway south of Luton (from junction 10 southwards) and is expected to continue until autumn 2008. Contraflow and average speed cameras are in operation on the 6 mile stretch of roadworks which has a direct impact on traffic. The journey can take considerably longer at peak times (even if traveling from the North) and passengers are advised to allow plenty of extra traveling time to the airport.

Who flies to London Luton Airport?

Air Arann, Easyjet, El Al Israel Airlines, Flybe, Monarch Airlines, Ryanair, Thomsonfly, Wizzair

Where to fly to from London Luton Airport?

Country City Airline
Austria Austria fly to Salzburg with Easyjet
Bulgaria Bulgaria fly to Bourgas with Wizzair
Bulgaria Bulgaria fly to Sofia with Wizzair
Cyprus Cyprus fly to Larnaca with Monarch Airlines
fly to Larnaca with Air Bourbon
Cyprus Cyprus fly to Paphos with Easyjet
Czech Republic Czech Republic fly to Brno with Wizzair
Czech Republic Czech Republic fly to Prague with Wizzair
Egypt Egypt fly to Sharm El Sheik with President Airlines
fly to Sharm El Sheik with Easyjet
fly to Sharm El Sheik with Transavia France
Estonia Estonia fly to Tallinn with Ryanair
France France fly to Bordeaux with Easyjet
France France fly to Grenoble with Easyjet
France France fly to Nice with Easyjet
France France fly to Nimes with Ryanair
France France fly to Paris with Easyjet
Germany Germany fly to Berlin with Easyjet
Germany Germany fly to Dortmund with Easyjet
Germany Germany fly to Hamburg with Easyjet
Gibraltar Gibraltar fly to Gibraltar with Monarch Airlines
fly to Gibraltar with Air Bourbon
Hungary Hungary fly to Budapest with Easyjet
fly to Budapest with Wizzair
Ireland Ireland fly to Charlestown with Ryanair
Ireland Ireland fly to Dublin with Ryanair
Ireland Ireland fly to Kerry with Ryanair
Ireland Ireland fly to Waterford with Air Arann
Israel Israel fly to Tel Aviv with Easyjet
fly to Tel Aviv with El Al Israel Airlines
Italy Italy fly to Milan with Easyjet
Latvia Latvia fly to Riga with Wizzair
Lithuania Lithuania fly to Kuanas with Ryanair
Lithuania Lithuania fly to Vilnius with Wizzair
Macedonia Macedonia fly to Skopie with Wizzair
Malta Malta fly to Malta with Ryanair
Netherlands Netherlands fly to Amsterdam with Easyjet
Poland Poland fly to Gdansk with Wizzair
Poland Poland fly to Katowice with Wizzair
Poland Poland fly to Lodz with Wizzair
Poland Poland fly to Poznan with Wizzair
Poland Poland fly to Rzeszow with Ryanair
Poland Poland fly to Warsaw with Wizzair
Poland Poland fly to Wroclaw with Wizzair
Portugal Portugal fly to Faro with Easyjet
Portugal Portugal fly to Lisbon with Easyjet
Romania Romania fly to Bucharest with Wizzair
Romania Romania fly to Timisoara with Wizzair
Serbia Serbia fly to Belgrade with Wizzair
Slovakia Slovakia fly to Bratislava with Ryanair
Spain Spain fly to Alicante with Easyjet
fly to Alicante with Monarch Airlines
fly to Alicante with Air Bourbon
Spain Spain fly to Barcelona with Easyjet
Spain Spain fly to Fuerteventura with Ryanair
Spain Spain fly to Gran Canaria with Ryanair
fly to Gran Canaria with President Airlines
fly to Gran Canaria with Transavia France
Spain Spain fly to Lanzarote with Thomsonfly
fly to Lanzarote with Ryanair
Spain Spain fly to Madrid with Easyjet
Spain Spain fly to Malaga with Monarch Airlines
fly to Malaga with Air Bourbon
fly to Malaga with Easyjet
Spain Spain fly to Teneriffa with Monarch Airlines
fly to Teneriffa with Thomsonfly
fly to Teneriffa with Air Bourbon
fly to Teneriffa with Ryanair
fly to Teneriffa with President Airlines
fly to Teneriffa with Transavia France
Switzerland Switzerland fly to Geneva with Easyjet
Switzerland Switzerland fly to Zurich with Easyjet
Turkey Turkey fly to Istanbul with Easyjet
UK UK fly to Aberdeen with Easyjet
UK UK fly to Belfast with Easyjet
UK UK fly to Edinburgh with Easyjet
UK UK fly to Glasgow with Easyjet
UK UK fly to Inverness with Easyjet
UK UK fly to Isle of Man with Flybe
Ukraine Ukraine fly to Kiev with Wizzair

Flight Arrivals: London Luton Airport arrivals

Flight Departures: London Luton Airport departures

Useful links

Interesting fact: Much of the ITV "Airline" show was filmed at Luton Airport - showing the trials and tribulations of working in an airport - with most of the footage centered around Easyjet staff.

Contact details
London Luton Airport
Navigation House
Airport Way
Tel: +44 (0)158 240 5100
Fax: -
Email: -
Interesting Trivia
Airport code: LTN
Airlines: 18
Passengers per year: 9.4 million in 2006
Terminals: 1
Runways: 1
Flights per year: -
Destinations served: -
Owned by: Airport Concessions