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Mini-Guide To Strasbourg

Strasbourg is an incredibly interesting place to visit. It is almost unique in the sense that it acts as a bridge between France and Germany and it is indeed, both French and German in terms of its philosophy, food, culture and atmosphere. The result is a city which is very cosmopolitan and European, rather than simply French. It is the capital city of the Alsace region of France and it has just under 750,000 residents, which makes it a city which is not too big and is quite easy to navigate. There is also a good public transport system, with a tram system which runs very efficiently. Being located so close to the river also means that there are various tour boats operating on the Rhine.

Local Airports In Strasbourg

The city is one of the most beautiful you will ever hope to see. It is very famous for its architecture, which is extremely beautiful and many of the buildings are quite ancient. Perhaps the most famous building in Strasbourg is the Cathedral, which is a Gothic cathedral made out of sandstone and fitted with the most amazing astronomical clock. If you see only one thing in Strasbourg, then make sure it is the cathedral. The city also has a very medieval part, which comprises not just medieval streets, but also medieval squares. These are all very distinctive, because the buildings in these streets are of a very striking black and white timber frame. If you venture into the Petite-France area, you can easily feel as if you have just stepped back in time. There are also some modern sights to be seen, such as the European Court of Human Rights, which was designed by the British architect Richard Rogers. The Modern Art Museum is also a very striking and relatively recent building. For a city of less than 1 million people, Strasbourg boasts an amazing array of Museums and Parks. So if you are into either, then you will absolutely love Strasbourg. Of course, with such wonderful architecture and influential people working here, there are also some great shops around... Dining in Strasbourg is a great experience. It is home to the Council of Europe, European Parliament etc and as more and more affluent and influential people poured into Strasbourg, so followed great hotels and restaurants. Sometimes the quality means that the prices are a little high, but most places also offer a fixed menu, which represents better value. Nightlife is also very good, with lots of bars, cafes and nightclubs, as well as theatres, live music venues and really, everything you would want from a city. It is also a very safe city in the evening, as long as you take sensible precautions. Strasbourg is almost like a well kept secret. If people realised just how fantastic a spot it was, it would be completely packed out every day of the year. But they do not, so there is no need to tell anyone else about it. Just keep the secret, do not share it! Flights to Strasbourg are operated by many airlines, including Easyjet, Air France and Ryanair.

Who flies to Strasbourg?

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