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Mini-Guide To Larnaca

Larnaca was first established as a town in the 13th century and as a fort in the year 1625 and it is now a modern and thriving town, which is home to the main airport for international visitors. This means that it is often a place where people arrive and then very quickly head off to other destinations. Yet there is plenty to see and do in Larnaca and some great nightlife as well. There are some great beaches here or you could visit the Church of St Lazarus, which was formed in the 9th century and it is believed by many, to actually host the remains of St Lazarus. In fact it is also believed that the town upon which Larnaca is now founded, was actually founded by the grandson of Noah, who famously built the Ark. So it certainly is a town with a very rich history.

Local Airports In Larnaca

There are some great museums to visit in Larnaca which reflect its proud history. The architecture is also very splendid, so it is worth just spending some time having a look round and seeing all the different types of architecture. After all that culture, your senses will be further stimulated by the wonderful array of cafes, bars and restaurants which are sited all the way along the town centre's promenade, which actually stretches for a full 2 kms. Yet despite all the food and drink on offer, it is a very quiet and relaxing area and you will certainly enjoy some wonderful food and perhaps even meet some great locals, so simply enjoy this jewel of Cyprus's crown! Most international airlines fly to Larnaca, including British Airways, Cyprus Airways and Monarch.

Who flies to Larnaca?

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