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Mini-Guide To Nassau

Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas, formerly known as Charles Town is a capital city quite unlike any other, with its eclectic mix of charm, old and new colonial style architecture and its port which is full of hustle and bustle. Situated on the New Providence Island, Nassau is a very popular destination for tourists from all over the world. Nassau is actually very close to the United States, since it is only 180 miles, or 290 kms, away from Miami. So there is an American influence here, as well as the old colonial influences. There are also the West Indian cultural influences which all blend together to form a city which is full of grace and charm yet is home to only just over 200,000 people. It is a very compact city and one which is easy to navigate.

Local Airports In Nassau

Many people flock to Nassau for the famous weather and the beaches. The climate is indeed kind. The temperature ranges between 20-25 Celsius in winter time, up to only about 33 Celsius in the summer. So whenever you visit you are more or less assured of sunny skies and a pleasant temperature. The beaches are internationally famous around Nassau, white sand which stretches out for miles, meaning that if you enjoy being close to facilities and other people then you can stay near to the popular areas. But if you like your beaches a little more quiet then you can just wander off and find a little spot where you can find perfect peace and quiet. The water quality in Nassau is absolutely spectacular and here you will find some stunning sights as the perfectly clean turquoise blue waters lap against the white sand of the beaches. This really is paradise on earth. Yet there is so much to do in Nassau that you will find it hard to pack everything in and find time just to laze on the beach, so plan carefully to make sure you get the most from this fantastic destination. The nightlife is terrific, from cabarets to casinos, from quiet bars to throbbing nightclubs, there really is something for everyone to enjoy. You should also take in a moonlight cruise which is a truly romantic and unforgettable way to see the city from the sea. During the day there is also plenty to do, with water based activities abounding, so you can scuba dive, fish, take a cruise or snorkel along the coral reefs. Or if that is too much like hard work, you can do some sight seeing, taking in the splendours of some of the old colonial buildings for which Nassau is quite famous. There are also some terrific shops offering handmade goods of the finest quality, for incredibly reasonable prices. Do not miss the Straw Market where you can find some wonderful souvenirs and authentic craft pieces. So for the holiday of a lifetime, with people who are so friendly and welcoming, Nassau is a superb destination and one which cannot fail to delight you.

Who flies to Nassau?

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